Some Artistic Inspirations
Pioneer of the ligne claire style. Everything is simple, but beautifully real. My first drawing inspiration.
Mortis Ghost
Comic artist who made a game you may know. His themes teeter between horror and childish fun.
Steve Purcell
Comic and concept artist. Charmingly shaped characters in dense, lived-in worlds.
Mike Mignola
Supernatural gothic comics with vivid lighting and masterful use of black.
Norman Rockwell
Expressive portraiture. Every painting tells a story.
Hine Mizushima
Needlefelts and miniatures which make invertebrates and anatomy adorable.
Felix Colgrave
Pastel animations of bug-eyed, Boschian creatures in surrealist landscapes. Feels like folk art from a nonexistent culture.
Van Gogh
You've heard of this guy. Bold brushwork. Dynamic pastel landscapes and portraits in nonliteral color.
Bill Watterson
Angular, organic lines with heavy stylization and not a right angle in sight. Fantastic watercolors, too.
Shaun Tan
Wonderfully realized fantasy worlds with a lot of texture. If Kafka did friendly children's illustrations, maybe.
Other Artists...
Peterdraws - Bhramarii - Sarah Jolley - KC Green - Tracy Jacks - Grimharlequin - Mazatland - Macbethoff - Millionfish - Jhonen Vasquez - OneBadNoodle - Ming Doyle - ThisNorthernBoy - Scott Wegner - Winsolwdraws - Zack Morrison