
A page on which to record my writing progress.

I've been using a lot of my free time since graduation to write fanfiction, which has been a genuinely surprising development. (To me, anyways.) In any case, I've built up quite a stack of ~70% done WIPs in the ol' Google Drive/phone notes app, and I think I should take the time to clear them out. I thought some sort of pseudo-public place to mark my progress there might help in that regard.

Here are the WIPtober candidates, in rough "least to most work required to whip into shape" order. We're going for "better done than perfect" here; just edit the draft, write what I can remember of the final scene, and slap it online. They're worth more that way than as a forever unfinished fragment taking up disk space in my head.

Currently working on: The Psych-Out Job (Psych, Leverage)
Foreward + 5 chapters, estimated 9k words total.
