Sort your favorite They Might Be Giants songs! Select which albums you wish to include before beginning. (Warning: 30 releases and well over 500 songs are represented here. Depending on how many albums are selected, this may take a couple of hours--TMBG has a LARGE discography.)

Hitting 'no opinion'/'I like both' frequently will result in ties and unclear results.

Battle No. -
0% sorted.
Song 1

Check/Uncheck Albums Below

Song 2

I don't know this song

Click to Start!

I don't know this song

Pink AlbumLincoln'Then' Exclusives
FloodMiscellaneous TApollo 18
John HenryFactory ShowroomLong Tall Weekend
State SongsUnsupervisedIt's Fun To Steal
Mink CarNo!They Got Lost
The SpineVenue SongsHere Come the ABCs
The ElseHere Come the 123sHere Comes Science
Join UsThe Avatars of TheyNanobots
GleanWhy?Phone Power
I Like FunMy Murdered RemainsThe Escape Team
Select or Deselect All

Results will appear HERE when done.

Original script by K-Factory; butchered into its current form by me, bluef00t. Original Touhou sorter by E-Phantasm, translated into English here.

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